Tomb of Waris Shah

Vadodara-Baroda By 3 Comments

Situated in an area called Warashiya is the tomb of Waris Shah, the “senapati” (commander) of Sultan Muhammad Shah III, the ruler of Ahmedabad in the 16th century. The name “Warashiya” is derived from his name, combining “Waris” and “Shah”. Waris Shah was known for his kindness and generosity, revered by the people as a “pir” or saint. Upon his death at the age of 60 due to illness, he was buried in a grave near a lake inside a tomb.

The tomb itself is constructed from bricks and sandstone, held together with lime mortar. Its exterior is plastered with lime and adorned with geometrical shapes. The entrance features a cusped arch, while the other sides have plain ogee arches; one side is a blank wall with three arched windows at a higher level. The dome of the tomb is supported by squinches and features an inverted lotus-like element at the top, where a finial once rested. Traces of faded stucco and fresco work, originally painted with natural colors, can still be seen.

Unfortunately, the tomb is currently in a state of disrepair and urgently requires attention to preserve its historical significance.

Source: Divyabhaskar


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  1. Shlok says:

    Where exactly in Warasia is this situated ?

    1. HoVB says:

      It’s located just besides Warasiya Lake !

  2. Bhaskar D. Sathe. says:

    Very valuable information on Vadodara. Many aspects of the city were not known earlier to me such as establishment of Kala Bhavan.

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